ReactJS features


Nov 13,2021

ReactJS features

Before ReactJS came alive, developers used jQuery or vanilla Javascript to create the UI (user interface). Every developer has his or her way of coding in a vanilla programming language, which may bring lots of bugs and troubles for new people in the team. Using a library like ReactJS may help to organize the development and bring even more advantages with features that make ReactJS such a popular and widely used library. Let’s take a closer look at these features.

Virtual DOM

If you are using pure Javascript, your DOM object will re-render every time any change will be done in HTML elements. It’s fine if you have a static website where not too much happens; the performance is safe. But in the case of dynamic web apps that have lots of user interaction elements, it doesn’t work so good. The performance of the application goes down significantly.

Creators of ReactJS decided to handle this issue, and they created a Virtual DOM. When changes are made in the DOM, ReactJS creates a copy, called Virtual DOM. This copy is compared with the normal DOM, and only the element which is different is re-rendered. It takes less computing power, and loading time, that’s why it’s a good improvement.


In ReactJS, JSX is used for creating templates instead of HTML. JSX is a kind of extension of Javascript, and it allows us to use HTML tags inside the Javascript code. It’s used to create templates in ReactJS.

React Native

While using ReactJS, it’s very close to switching to React Native, technology to create front-end for mobile applications. It provides a rich library of ready components for IOS and Android, as well. By learning and using ReactJS, you can easily switch to React Native and create native mobile apps.



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